Homemade Bocconcini

If you’re a fan of fresh Italian cheeses, then our homemade bocconcini should definitely be on your radar. Bocconcini, which translates to “little bites” or “small mouthfuls” in Italian, are small, round balls of fresh mozzarella cheese. At Caputo’s we make our own using an age-old process. The fresh mozzarella  is turned over slowly, then hand stretched and tied carefully to ensure easy, not chewy or stringy, bites of delicious! It is incredibly satisfying to see a few simple ingredients transform into a delicious snack.

Bocconcini has a delicate, milky flavor and is incredibly creamy. It pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes.  An unmatched freshness, homemade mozzarella is pure and bursting with flavor. 

You can use our homemade bocconcini to elevate so many dishes and you will taste the difference in every bite. Need some ideas of how to use it?

Here are 4 ways to use it.

Caprese Salad: 

Perhaps the most iconic way to enjoy bocconcini is in a classic Caprese salad. Simply combine slices of ripe tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, and bocconcini. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and cracked black pepper, and enjoy the flavors of Italy in every bite. To elevate it further, you can turn it into a sandwich, add fresh oregano, or even a drizzle of balsamic glaze.

On Pizza:

Use bocconcini as a topping for pizzas, especially if you prefer a lighter, fresher cheese option. They melt beautifully and add a subtle richness without overwhelming other toppings.

In Pasta:

Adding fresh bocconcini right before serving adds a delicately creamy taste to any pasta dish. Because it is so versatile, it truly goes with any sauce, but we love it with homemade tomato sauce! Try it in your lasagna too!

In panini:

There is something about fresh bocconcini and fresh bread that just pair so perfectly together. Using bocconcini as the cheese in any sandwich or panino is a win. Pair it with your favorite ingredients and enjoy or toast it so the cheese gets nice and melty. 

Bocconcini embody the essence of Italian culinary simplicity and freshness. Whether you’re enjoying them on their own or incorporating them into various dishes, bocconcini add a delightful creamy texture and mild flavor that elevate any meal. So, next time you’re looking to add a touch of Italy to your dish, stop by our deli to pick up some homemade bocconcini and let their versatility and deliciousness speak for themselves. Buon appetito!

From Our Family To Yours

Father’s Day 2024

This upcoming Sunday is Father’s Day! The day is dedicated to appreciating all the father figures in a person’s life. It is a day to acknowledge all the valuable lessons, laughs, and guidance they have given over the years. Maybe you’re firing up the grill and getting ready for a BBQ, getting ready to golf, or doing whatever dad chooses!  With Father’s Day this Sunday, I can’t help but think of two very important men in my life and in our company. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize my father, Robertino Presta, and grandfather, Angelo Caputo.

My father, Robertino, started working at Caputo’s at a very young age. My grandfather hired him because of his strength and work ethic which is apparent from any encounter with him. His efficiency in unloading the trucks as a teenager is a testament to his ability to work hard. He never hesitates to step in during any task. He embraces all challenges, coming up with unique and efficient ways to get past them. No task is too big or too small for him.

He has helped us and the business grow, including taking us to levels that we never thought were imaginable. Each step and new chapter is still based on the foundation instilled in him by my grandparents and constantly re-enforced by my mom. 

One of the things I feel most fortunate for is that my father believes in us, sometimes more than we believe in ourselves. He doesn’t make us feel like we cannot handle a situation. He uses his mistakes to encourage us to do the same. 

He helps to give us the tools we need to succeed and guides us towards the path of success. I have learned so much from not only my father, but my grandfather too. 

Angelo Caputo was not only my grandfather, but an inspiration, another father, and a role model. His absence leaves us with a gaping hole, but we know he is always with us.

My grandfather and our patriarch, Angelo Caputo, has always been one of my biggest inspirations. He was a true testament of a hard working, dedicated man. Our whole business is built on his blood, sweat, and tears. 

He led a life of hard work and was the strongest man I knew. He was constantly faced with challenges, but never let anything stand between him and his goal. 

He was always there for a story, a lesson, a phone call, or an esspressino date. He took the time to sit with us and pass along important tools and some of his wisdom. From teaching us how to clean up a produce display or telling us stories from his childhood, he was always there for us.

It still feels impossible that he is no longer with us, but his legacy remains a constant in our lives. The many lessons he taught us are beautiful memories that we will cherish and carry with us forever.

Fresh Fruits and Veggies Month


At Angelo Caputo’s, we believe fresh fruit and vegetables should be celebrated year-round! June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, a time for everyone to embrace the beautiful colors and delicious tastes of nature’s bounty! 

We have been buying our produce the same way since our founder started in 1958. Our buyers start their day very early and head out to check on the available produce and buy it so that it ends up in our stores that very same day. We also do a lot of business with local farmers, some we have been doing business with for generations! 

Pride in Produce

We take such pride in our produce department and the selection we offer. Produce Business even named us the Best Independent Retailer of 2024. Read the article here to learn a little bit more about what goes into our produce department behind the scenes!

Discover the Power of Fresh Produce 

Fruits and vegetables are the superheroes of nutrition. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In most cases, they’re very portable and can fit in your backpack or purse (exceptions include an entire watermelon or a pumpkin). Most require no cooking to enjoy. Just wash or peel. Veggies and fruit are vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. From the crisp crunch of a cucumber to the juicy sweetness of a strawberry, each bite is a bite towards vitality and well-being. So, let’s raise our glasses (filled with a refreshing fruit or veggie smoothie, of course) to the nutritional powerhouses that keep us energized and thriving! 

Embrace the Joy of Fruits & Vegetables 

If, like many of us, you struggle to increase the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month is a great time to tweak and improve your shopping and dining habits. Here are a few tips to get you started.   

  1. Make fruits and vegetables readily available. After doing your grocery shopping, prep vegetables for easy snacking. Wash and prep vegetables and store them in small containers for grab-and-go snacks. Have fruits like bananas and apples easily accessible on the kitchen counter.  
  2. Make vegetables the main attraction at dinner. Instead of having vegetables as a side dish, try new dishes centered around vegetables. For example, grain bowls, stir-fries, and hearty salads are fantastic and easy ways to incorporate vegetables. You don’t need to go whole vegetarian to get more vegetables in your diet. Salads with chicken and steak make filling entrees.  
  3.  Let your kitchen become a playground! Have some fun! Try new cooking methods, visit farmer’s markets, and experiment with different and unusual vegetables and fruits. Buy in small quantities and let your taste buds be the captain of this new adventure.   

Share the Love for Fresh Produce 

One of the best ways to celebrate National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month is by sharing fresh veggies and fruit with others. If you belong to an exercise or cooking group or have friends and family looking to change their diets for the better, organize a potluck dinner or a picnic where everyone brings a dish made with their favorite fruits or vegetables. Share recipes, meal ideas, and success stories to inspire others toward a vibrant and nourishing lifestyle. 

Get Your Daily Dose of Fruits & Veggies at Angelo Caputo’s  

So, let’s raise our forks to National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month! Now’s the time to fill up with colorful salads, juicy seasonal fruits, and crunchy veggies. Savor the flavors and reap the rewards to a healthier and happier you. At Angelo Caputo’s, we make it easy to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet. Shop Caputo’s online or in-store and make the most of fruits and vegetables today.   

From Our Family To Yours