Caputo’s Pick of the Week– Fiuggi Water

Our week 5 pick is taking us to a little town just south of Rome known for it’s natural water! Marco’s favorite item imported from Italy is Fiuggi water

Marco, Angelo’s grandson, loves Fiuggi water because it is pure water bottled right at the source. It is packed with minerals and he loves the overall taste. 

Fiuggi water is a mineral water that originates from the town of Fiuggi, located in the province of Frosinone, Italy. Renowned for its unique mineral composition and purported health benefits, Fiuggi water has been enjoyed for centuries.

The history of Fiuggi water dates back to ancient Roman times. The Romans believed that the water had healing properties and constructed baths and aqueducts to harness its benefits. The town’s name, “Fucinus,” is believed to be derived from the Latin word “fucus,” meaning “seaweed,” suggesting that the water was thought to have marine properties.

Fiuggi water is rich in minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and sulfate. Its unique mineral composition is attributed to the geological formations through which the water flows. These formations filter and enrich the water with minerals that contribute to its distinctive taste and potential health benefits.

Fiuggi water has been associated with various health benefits, including:

  • Digestive Health: The high mineral content of Fiuggi water can help regulate digestion and improve gut health.
  • Kidney Function: Some studies suggest that Fiuggi water may help support kidney function and reduce the risk of kidney stones.
  • Metabolic Health: The minerals in Fiuggi water can contribute to overall metabolic health and support weight management.
  • Skin Health: The alkaline nature of Fiuggi water is believed to have a beneficial effect on skin health, helping to balance pH levels and promote hydration.
  • Taste: Fiuggi water has a slightly sweet and refreshing taste, with a hint of mineral notes.

Whether you’re looking for a refreshing water or looking to explore the potential health benefits of mineral water, Fiuggi water offers a unique and enjoyable experience. Its rich history, mineral composition, and purported health benefits make it a popular choice among water enthusiasts and proud Italians! 

Feeding Families and Their Traditions from Generation to Generation

Caputo’s Pick of the Week– Castelvetrano Olive Oil

For week 4 of Italian heritage month, we head to our long aisles of olive oil! We have oil imported from all over the world, infused olive oil, domestic olive oil, and more. Among them you will find Angelo’s grandson, Robertino’s, favorite Italian item– Delallo’s Castelvetrano Olive Oil!

The secret to every good dish is a high quality olive oil. There are so many different ones out there with different tastes and compositions, but if you’re looking for a unique one, this is a must try! 

This extra virgin olive oil is made with the first cold press of olives and made exclusively with Castelvetrano olives.

The Castelvetrano olives are the key to the unique characteristics of this EVOO. These olives come from Sicily and are prized for their delicate, fruity flavor and low acidity. They have an almost buttery taste and a smooth texture. The result is a smooth, fruity olive oil.

A great feature about this oil is that it comes in a squeeze bottle with a fine tip. It makes it simple for a finishing drizzle of oil on any dish. 

Castelvetrano olive oil is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of culinary applications. It’s perfect for:

  • Drizzling over salads: The oil’s delicate flavor complements the freshness of greens and vegetables.
  • Marinating meats and fish: Castelvetrano olive oil can infuse meats and fish with a subtle flavor and help to tenderize them.
  • Cooking vegetables: The oil’s high smoke point makes it suitable for sautéing and roasting vegetables.
  • Finishing dishes: A drizzle of Castelvetrano olive oil can add a final touch of flavor to pasta, soups, and grilled meats.

Castelvetrano olive oil is a true culinary gem that offers a unique flavor profile and a host of health benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or simply looking to add a touch of quality to your meals, Castelvetrano olive oil is a must-try.

Feeding Families and Their Traditions from Generation to Generation

Caputo’s Pick of the Week– Prosciutto San Daniele

For week 3 of Italian Heritage Month, Giancarlo, Angelo’s grandson and our deli buyer, takes us to our international deli for his favorite item!

When thinking of Italy, you can’t help but think of the flavorful delicious deli meat! It only makes sense that as our deli buyer, Giancarlo’s favorite Italian item is Prosciutto San Daniele.

Giancarlo says “I love this prosciutto because of its unique texture/flavor. The air temperature and moisture levels in the town of San Daniele del Friuli are perfect for curing prosciutto which makes it require less salt to cure, resulting in a sweeter, more mild flavor.” 

Prosciutto is a thin, cured meat that has become a culinary staple worldwide.

The tradition of producing prosciutto in San Daniele dates back centuries. The region’s mild climate, low humidity, and gentle breezes provide the ideal conditions for curing the meat. Over the years, local producers developed a refined process that involves careful selection of pigs, salt curing, and aging in special cellars.

Prosciutto San Daniele is characterized by its delicate flavor, sweet aroma, and slightly salty taste. The texture is smooth and tender, with a hint of nuttiness. It’s often described as “melting” on the tongue.

Imported prosciutto, especially from Italy, offers a depth of flavor that is hard to replicate. The curing process, often involving natural methods like aging in mountain caves, results in a very distinct and complex taste!

While prosciutto is great to just snack on, there are so many ways you can enjoy it!  

Charcuterie Board: Prosciutto is a classic addition to charcuterie boards, where it can be paired with a variety of cheeses, fruits, nuts, and crackers.

Sandwiches and Wraps: Add a slice of prosciutto to your favorite sandwich or wrap for a flavor boost.

Salads: Crumble prosciutto over a salad for a savory and salty crunch.

Pasta: Toss cooked pasta with a simple sauce made with olive oil, grated Parmesan cheese, and prosciutto.

Feeding Families and Their Traditions from Generation to Generation

Caputo’s Pick of the Week- Week 2

For week 2 of Italian heritage month, Daniela, Angelo’s granddaughter, picks a staple Italian snack that is her favorite for so many reasons! Daniela’s pick is La Bella Romana Taralli.

Taralli offer a unique blend of flavors that are both comforting and satisfying. The combination of the salty dough, the subtle sweetness of the wine, and the aromatic herbs creates a delicious and well-balanced snack. They are often enjoyed with a glass of wine, particularly a light white like a Pinot Grigio.

Our La Bella Romana brand is imported from Italy and come in many different varieties! These include rosemary and potato, black pepper, paprika, and fennel. Though they are all delicious and different, Daniela’s go to is the classic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. They are like comfort food and she loves them so much she brings them on any vacation or outing– she even brought La Bella Romana taralli with her to Italy! They remind her of our Nonna Romana because Nonna always used to have taralli to snack on in her house.  

Taralli can be enjoyed in many ways. They are a great snack on their own, but they can also be paired with other foods. Here are a few ideas:

  • Appetizer: Serve taralli with a dip like hummus, pesto, or olive tapenade.
  • Side dish: Enjoy taralli as a side dish to a salad or soup.
  • Snack: Pack taralli in your lunchbox or purse for a quick and satisfying snacks
  • As a topping: you can crumble taralli over soup or salad for a crunchy topping

Around Easter time, you will find large, sugar coated taralli that we make fresh in our bakery!

Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy snack or a tasty addition to a charcuterie board, taralli are a great option to try.

Check back next week for Giancarlo’s pick!

Feeding Families & Their Traditions from Generation to Generation

Italian Heritage Month– Caputo’s Pick of the Week

October is Italian National Heritage Month. As a store started by an Italian immigrant, we are proud to celebrate our heritage with you all! 

To us, our Italian culture is a huge part of our foundation as a family and as a business. When our founder, Angelo Caputo, was just a teenager, he aspired to come to America in order to live out the American Dream and be able to provide for himself and his future family. He, like so many other immigrants, saw America as a land of opportunity. So when he had the opportunity to gain US citizenship by enlisting in the US Army, that’s what he did. He came to America at 18 ready to work… and work he did. 

He eventually opened Angelo Caputo’s Fresh Markets. It started as a little produce market, but as more Italians came to America, he wanted to bring pieces of home here. Eventually, the little produce stand grew to serve a variety of cultures through importing! We continue to grow and bring other country’s staples right to your Caputo’s! 

Your heritage is a big part of who you are. It shapes your values, character, traditions, and so much more. With October being Italian National Heritage Month, our family wants to call out some of our favorite Italian products, so stay tuned each week to see what different members of our family pick!

Week 1– Rosella’s pick

Homemade Hand Dipped Ricotta

Rosella’s favorite Italian product that we carry is our homemade, hand dipped ricotta. Homemade ricotta is a simple, yet incredibly delicious cheese. She loves how versatile it is and that is can really be used in any meal– from ricotta avocado toast to sandwiches to pasta sauces and lasagna to desserts! 

Ricotta is made from re-cooking the milk whey leftover from the production of other cheese. The result is a soft, creamy, and delicious cheese! The taste is like no other. It’s fresh, creamy, and versatile– it can be a great compliment to any dish or main ingredient in another! You can change the flavor profile depending on what you pair it with and use it to elevate any dish or meal! 

Check out more info on the ricotta and different ways to enjoy it here

Stay tuned next week for Daniela’s favorite item!

Feeding Families & Their Traditions from Generation to Generation