October is Italian National Heritage Month. As a store started by an Italian immigrant, we are proud to celebrate our heritage with you all!
To us, our Italian culture is a huge part of our foundation as a family and as a business. When our founder, Angelo Caputo, was just a teenager, he aspired to come to America in order to live out the American Dream and be able to provide for himself and his future family. He, like so many other immigrants, saw America as a land of opportunity. So when he had the opportunity to gain US citizenship by enlisting in the US Army, that’s what he did. He came to America at 18 ready to work… and work he did.
He eventually opened Angelo Caputo’s Fresh Markets. It started as a little produce market, but as more Italians came to America, he wanted to bring pieces of home here. Eventually, the little produce stand grew to serve a variety of cultures through importing! We continue to grow and bring other country’s staples right to your Caputo’s!
Your heritage is a big part of who you are. It shapes your values, character, traditions, and so much more. With October being Italian National Heritage Month, we want to recognize some of our shoppers who have a special connection and appreciation of the beautiful Italian Heritage!
Do you know someone who is proud of their Italian heritage and also loves shopping at Caputo’s? Nominate them to be the Caputo’s Italian Heritage Month Shopper!
We are giving away Caputo’s gift cards to the winner and the person who nominated them!
Here’s what you can win
1st Place
- $100 gift card for the winner and nominator
- A Caputo’s goodie basket
- Social media and website highlight
2nd Place
- $50 gift card for the winner and nominator
- Social media and website highlight
3rd Place
- $25 gift card for the winner and nominator
- Social media and website highlight
All the details and how to nominate someone here

From Our Family To Yours
My wife !
Judy Fatigato
Only shops at Caputos
Doesn’t matter how far we have to drive , she’s GOT to get to Caputos .
It’s got to be from there , for our Sunday dinners , and especially if we have family over !
No place else will do !
Vince Aiello, totally loves his Italian heritage and culture. Thanks to Caputo he is able to maintain the connection with Italy and shop for the wonderful “treats” and foods that come directly from there. The Italian culture, traditions, taste keep alive his love for this unique and beautiful country.
I’d like to nominate my husband Giovanni Paonesssa, he’s in Caputo’s almost every day especially because we live walking distance from there. Since my immune system has been compromised he or my son Francesco shop for me every day at Caputos’s. We’ve been loyal shoppers for over 40 yrs. We Love Caputos’s
Jim Lacki
I would love to nominate my wife, Diane Barbaro Lacki, She is first generation from Sicily. Her parents came as kids. They lived about 100 miles from each other in Sicily. They meet in Bridgeport. Before Orland Park store opened, she would drive to Grand and Harlem to shop. I knew when she was going because the cooler was in the car. This is the only place she will buy Italian sausage plus so much more. She is extremely proud od her heritage and culture. She’s turned me into a wanna be Italian.
My mom, Rose, is a dedicated shopper at Caputos. She has taught me to cook fabulous Italian recipes handed down from her mother, grandma and great-grandma. She also stresses good meals are prepared only by good ingredients; and, good ingredients are only purchased from Caputos! Mom is very proud of her Italian heritage and elated she can do her weekly shopping at an authentic Italian store, Caputos.