Q&A with Angelo Caputo

Angelo Caputo is the founder and reason for our company. He has accomplished so much. We asked him a few of your questions to get to know him better.

  • Do you have a favorite fruit that reminds you of Italy or your childhood?
    • Prickly pears. During the war, prickly pears were readily available, so we ate them at every meal


  • How often do you travel to Italy?
    • When my wife was alive, we would go during the summer and visit her family.


  • What was the biggest obstacle in opening Caputos?
    • We operated outside and had very long hours. 


  • How old when you met Romana?
    • I was 15 years old 


  • Favorite place to go to buy produce for the stores?
    • The Benton Harbor Food Exchange in Michigan where I would go once or twice a week, depending on the time of year. I would leave at 3am, usually with one of my children at my side, to pick up locally homegrown produce picked that same morning. 
  • Of all of your travels, what is your favorite?
    • Visiting Bethlehem, the place where Jesus was born. Another favorite of mine is Lourdes, France.


  • Favorite fruit?
    • Moscato grapes


  • All time favorite meal?
    • A panino. In my hometown, I would go to piazza coperta. There were many stands along the street and I  would ask for a mortadella sandwich. 


  • What do you tell your grandkids?
    • I tell my grandkids they are my life. I also tell them to work hard because it will pay off


  • What is your biggest accomplishment?
    • Our family business in hopes that it will be continued to be handed down through the generations 


  • Favorite soup from Caputo’s
    • Italian wedding


  • Favorite dessert
    • Gelato
  • Favorite saying
    • Work hard, it pays off


  • Favorite thing to do in your free time
    • Play cards 


  • Favorite sport
    • Soccer, I love watching Team Italy play during the World Cup and Euro Cup 

From Our Family To Yours

2 Replies to “Q&A with Angelo Caputo”

  1. God Bless U Angelo and thank you for opening your stores I have been going to your stores since the early days over 40 yrs used to always go to the store on Harlem Ave. Loved it still do

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